Canadian Entrepreneurs

Canadian Entrepreneurs: What to Expect in 2024?

What the Canadian Economy Needs for a Soft Landing?

Despite persistently high inflation and interest rate hikes, the Canadian economy fared better than expected in 2023. Population growth played a significant role in driving demand, leading to an estimated economic growth of 1.3%. However, this expansion wasn’t uniform across all sectors. While the housing market stabilized, household spending became more cautious. Business investment and exports also experienced a slowdown in the latter part of the year.

Looking ahead to 2024, we anticipate Canadian real GDP to grow by 0.9%, with a couple of quarters of negative growth at the start of the year. However, there’s hope for an upturn in activity during the second half of 2024. The labor market’s resilience and economic performance will play crucial roles in shaping this trajectory.

Inflation and Interest Rates

Inflation remains a concern, although it’s expected to slow down compared to the past two years. Food inflation is likely to remain high, hovering around 4%-5%, while housing-related expenses (rent and mortgage interest) will continue to rise. Canadians should brace for interest rates to remain flat for most of 2024. Although past rate hikes have impacted economic growth, the bulk of this slowdown has likely already occurred. The key rate will likely stay at 5.0% for the first half of the year, with a potential downward revision later in the summer. However, the Bank of Canada won’t bring it back to the neutral rate of 2.5% until 2025.

Market Trends

The S&P/TSX composite index is on track for gains after a late-2023 rally. Keep an eye on market dynamics, as they can significantly impact investment decisions and business strategies.

Housing and Real Estate

While the housing market has stabilized, it remains below pre-pandemic peaks. Canadian households are exercising caution in spending, affecting real estate transactions. Entrepreneurs in related industries should closely monitor housing trends.

Energy Sector and Sustainability

The energy sector faces both challenges and opportunities. As the world transitions toward cleaner energy sources, Canadian entrepreneurs can explore sustainable solutions and adapt to changing consumer preferences.

Technological Advancements

Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to shape business landscapes. Entrepreneurs should embrace AI-driven innovations, from automation to personalized customer experiences.

What are some challenges that Canadian entrepreneurs face?

Canadian entrepreneurs encounter a variety of challenges as they navigate the business landscape. Here are some key hurdles they may face:

  1. Regulatory Compliance: Staying abreast of ever-evolving regulations and compliance requirements can be daunting. Entrepreneurs must ensure their businesses adhere to federal, provincial, and municipal laws.
  2. Access to Capital: Securing funding remains a significant challenge. Whether it’s startup capital, expansion funds, or working capital, entrepreneurs often struggle to find suitable financing options.
  3. Talent Acquisition and Retention: Attracting skilled employees and retaining top talent is crucial. The competitive job market and changing workforce dynamics pose difficulties for entrepreneurs.
  4. Market Competition: Canadian markets are competitive, especially in sectors like technology, retail, and services. Entrepreneurs must differentiate their offerings to stand out.
  5. Digital Transformation: Embracing technology and digitalization is essential. However, the rapid pace of technological advancements can overwhelm entrepreneurs.
  6. Scaling Up: Moving from a small operation to a larger business requires strategic planning. Entrepreneurs must manage growth effectively without compromising quality.
  7. Trade Uncertainties: Global trade tensions and changing trade agreements impact Canadian businesses. Entrepreneurs need to adapt to shifting international dynamics.
  8. Work-Life Balance: Entrepreneurship demands long hours and dedication. Balancing work and personal life can be challenging.
  9. Innovation and R&D: Staying innovative is critical. Entrepreneurs must invest in research and development to remain competitive.
  10. Healthcare Costs: Providing employee benefits, including healthcare, can strain small businesses. Rising healthcare costs affect the bottom line.

Each challenge also presents an opportunity for growth and learning. Canadian entrepreneurs who navigate these obstacles with resilience and adaptability can thrive in the dynamic business environment.

What are some financing options for entrepreneurs?

As an entrepreneur, exploring various financing options is crucial for the success of your business. Here are some avenues you can consider:

  1. Personal Investment: Invest some of your own money—either in cash or as collateral on your assets. Demonstrating your long-term commitment to the project can strengthen your position with lenders.
  2. Love Money: Borrowing from family, friends, or loved ones. While this is considered “patient capital,” be cautious about equity arrangements and maintain a professional approach in these relationships.
  3. Venture Capital: Venture capitalists (VCs) invest in technology-driven businesses with high-growth potential. They take an equity position in your company, often in exchange for funding riskier projects. Look for VCs with relevant experience and knowledge.
  4. Angels: Wealthy individuals or retired executives who directly invest in small firms. Angels bring expertise, contacts, and technical knowledge to the table. Their involvement goes beyond financial support.
  5. Crowdfunding: Platforms like Kickstarter or Indiegogo allow you to raise funds from a large number of people. Crowdfunding can be product-based (pre-selling your product) or donation-based (supporting a cause).
  6. Debt Financing: Obtaining loans from banks, credit unions, or online lenders. Debt financing involves repaying borrowed funds with interest over time. It’s essential to manage debt responsibly.


Canadian entrepreneurs should approach 2024 with a mix of optimism and preparedness. While uncertainties persist, strategic planning, adaptability, and staying informed will be key to navigating the year ahead. Keep an eye on economic indicators, market shifts, and emerging technologies to position your business for success.

Every challenge presents an opportunity for growth. Here’s to a resilient and prosperous 2024 for Canadian entrepreneurs! Source:BDC Blog/


  1. BDC - Start-up Financing Sources
  2. Built In - Entrepreneurial Finance

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